492産業用ロボット(パラレルリンク)  Industrial Robot (Parallel link type)


 In the past, we have designed various assembly robots such as SCARA type and Articulated type robots, and orthogonal robots, but we have no experience in designing Parallel link type robots. I thought about the difference between this robot and conventional robots.


 Currently, parallel link robots are often seen in the sorting field of food and medical care. I think there are two major features. One is high-speed operation and one is high-precision positioning. At FANUC, this parallel link robot is called a Genkotsu(fist) robot and commercialized it. The Genkotsu robot adopts a parallel link mechanism for XYZ position movement and a serial link mechanism for αβγ attitude movement. It is said that αβγ is called this way because the posture is similar to the movement from the wrist onwards of a human (like holding a Genkotsu and turning the wrist in a circle).


 Conventional robots with six degrees of freedom are usually called vertical articulated robots, and are serially configured with a θ1~θ6-axis mechanism from the fixed side of the robot toward the tip of the arm. As a result, positioning errors at each joint from θ1 ~ θ6 are accumulated, and the positioning error at the final robot tip is large. In addition, since the built-in motor, reducer, and transmission mechanism are mounted on the moving part of the arm, the arm mass is larger, which hinders the high speed


 In the case of the Genkotsu robot, the mechanism corresponding to θ1~θ3 consists of parallel links, and the positioning of XYZ is derived from the synthesis operation of the three links. There are only three moving parts, and all heavy objects such as motors and reducers are located on the fixed side. Therefore, the error of each axis is not accumulated, high precision positioning is realized, and the acceleration characteristics of moving parts are also excellent.


 Among high-precision positioning, I think that the relative positioning accuracy is particularly excellent. There are three main divisions for positioning accuracy. Repeated positioning accuracy, absolute positioning accuracy, relative positioning accuracy. Repeated positioning accuracy is the ability to move from the same direction at the same speed and to be stationary in the same position over and over again without variation. Absolute positioning accuracy is the performance of positioning with respect to absolute coordinates, and it is a performance required for robots used in coordinate measuring instruments. Relative positioning accuracy guarantees position within any coordinate system and is a performance required for palletizing operations.

 限られた品種の製造であれば、同じものを繰り返し作るため、作業が単純なシーケンスとなり、ティーチングプレイバックロボットの繰り返し精度だけで、十分対応ができました。多品種少量生産の場合、製造ライン上の部品、ワークが頻繁に変わり、ティーチングプレイバックでは対応できなくなります。すなわち、指令値による任意の位置決め性能が求められるようになるため、相対位置精度に優れるゲンコツロボットが必要となます。長年、一緒にロボット開発してきた同僚が、初めてゲンコツロボットを操作した時の感想は、「相対位置決め精度が非常にいい。通常の多関節ロボットの場合、0.1㎜ 0.2㎜は簡単にずれるところ0.05㎜レベルの精度が出せる」でした。

 In the case of manufacturing a limited variety of products, the same thing is made repeatedly, so the work becomes a simple sequence, and the repeatability of the teaching playback robot alone was sufficient. In the case of high-mix, low-volume production, parts and workpieces on the production line change frequently, and teaching playback cannot cope with it. In other words, since arbitrary positioning performance based on command values will be required, a Genkotsu robot with excellent relative positional accuracy is required. When a colleague who had been developing the robot together for many years operated the Genkotsu robot for the first time, his impression was, "The relative positioning accuracy is very good. In the case of a normal articulated robot, 0.1 mm 0.2 mm can be easily shifted to 0.05 mm level accuracy."


 Why doesn't FANUC bring this wonderful trait to the forefront? That's what I've always thought




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